
James, D., Russell, R. lee, J. Wearable Technology: Smart phones to sports monitoring. This Udemy online course takes a deep dive into some of the technologies behind STEMfit


Willis, C., Thrupp, R., Parker, J., Lee, J., James, D. (2022)., The STEMfit Cup: An integrated educational experience for whole of child learning, cultural diversity and having fun! The STEMfit Cup , August 2022,  Territory Education Foundation, ISBN: 978-0-9875232-2-5

Willis, C., Thrupp, R., Parker, J., Lee, J., James, D. (2022). STEMfit in schools Curriculum resources for STEM engagement using physical activity
July 2022,  Territory Education Foundation, Australia ISBN: 978-0-9875232-2-8

Ferrier, Lee, Mbull and James, Translational applications of wearable sensors in education: Implementation and efficacy, 2022,  Sensors, MDPI

Parker, Lee, Ohgi, Willis, Petrone, Ferrier, Wada, Al-Rawi, James, STEM educational engagement through coopetition, sport and wearable technology. The Engineering of Sport 14, Purdue, USA June 2022

James, Willis, Parker, Lee, When and why do children make decisions about STEM careers? The Engineering of Sport 14, Purdue, USA June 2022

Lee. J, Willis. C, Wheeler. K, Parker. J, White. P, James. DA. 2021. Multistakeholder analysis of a novel STEM intervention using physical activity and play. Proceedings of the AAEE2021 Conference Perth, Australia

Lee, J., Willis, C., Parker, J., Wheeler, K., & James, D. (2020). Engaging the disengaged: A literature driven, retrospective reflection, of a successful student centric STEM intervention. Proceedings of the AAEE2020 Conference Sydney, Australia,

James, D. A., Parker, J., Willis, C., & Lee, J. (2020). STEMfit: Student Centric Innovation to Improve STEM Educational Engagement Using Physical Activity, Wearable Technologies and Lean Methodologies. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 49, No. 1, p. 33).

Lee, J., Wheeler, K., & James, D. A. (2019). Wearable Sensors in Sport: A Practical Guide to Usage and Implementation. Springer Singapore.

Utilising wearable technology and sports sciences to engage students in STEM activities Why Maths? Inspiration beyond the Classroom, pp9 2019, Australian Association of Maths Teachers, Brisbane, Australia

Video Publications (Youtube channel)

Lee, J., James, DA, (2020) “Wearable Technology: It’s a sports science lab on your wrist”, Inspiring Australia, National Science Week, Australian Government

Willis, C., Lee, J., (2020) “Peak Performance: Understanding the Biology of your body for sport”, Inspiring Australia, National Science Week, Australian Government

Wheeler, K. Lee, J. (2020) “Follow your passion: Becoming a sports scientist Inspiring Australia, National Science Week, Australian Government


STEMfit is grateful for financial and inkind support from the following organisations

Rainmaker fund, Charles Darwin University

Northern Territory, Department of Education

Ergon/Energex Community Development fund

Inspire Australia / National Science week 2020